Rogers Update 1/22/2025
January 25, 2025
January 25, 2025 Hi Everyone, Many of you have expressed that you are praying for us and have asked how we are doing. It means a lot to both of us to know that you care at the level you have shared. The obvious joy of Heaven is being with God, but another area that will be wonderous is sharing Heaven with other believers and spending time together! (We will even enjoy the believers we have had conflicts with or experienced irritation when we are around them!) I have been able to have some good conversations with neighbors in our apartment complex as well as build good relationships with the workers here. God's solutions to this world's insanity are so simple, but it is amazing how complicated those around us make their lives! I continue to do counseling over the phone and locally as well. I will never run out of opportunity to find people in need! Beabea has been on the go constantly, taking care of me, fixing great meals, running grandchildren to places grandchildren need to go, and helping wherever else she is needed. I thought about getting her a hero outfit, but I can't decide if it should say Super Grandma or Wonder Wife! My health continues to be a challenge. I am experiencing more pain. It is hurting near the damaged area of my spinal column but has been spreading out to arms, hands, legs, and feet. I have finished an extensive set of MRIs, and I am waiting to be referred to a neurosurgeon. I am not sure what that will lead to. The dermatologist found an area on the back of my elbow that might be cancerous. (Actually, Beabea spotted it first! Nothing gets past her!) I am waiting the results of the biopsy. BEM has a new way of giving and that is online. I have had requests over the last few years by people who want to give by credit card. Now, BEM is able to do that thanks to our tech missionary, Philip Hewitt. He is really good at what he does! The link to give is at the bottom of the BEM home page, but here is the link to give online directly: BEM Online Donations I do want to thank all of those that support us and/or have sent extra funds to help us financially. It is amazing how God takes care of us! Thank you for letting Him use you! As I say to my grandkids: LOVE YOU BUNCHES! John (and Beabea) Rogers