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Rogers Update 9/17/2024
September 26, 2024
Hi Everyone,

Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 12:7 that God kept him from being arrogant by allowing him to experience a certain difficulty consistently in his life.  He titled this difficulty his "thorn in the flesh" and stated that Satan tried to use it to disrupt his daily life of faith and ministry.  He even asked God several times to take it from him!  Being human, he might even have shared with the Lord the advantages of God doing it Paul's way.

I am certain most of us have found ourselves in Paul's situation in different ways.  It is normal to conclude what we think should be the solution for our lives and our "problems."  We know from a biblical standpoint that God is wiser and smarter and good and loving.  Biblical truth is not always accepted emotionally, even when we know the truth is "true!"  It ultimately comes down to the decision to trust God even when our emotions scream otherwise.

This last year and a half ought to have been overwhelming from a human perspective.  The doctors have told me there is not a good solution for the damaged vertebrae near my heart.  It probably is something that I am just "going to have to live with."  I have had multiple infections this year as well (some serious).  I have just come off of an infection that the super strong anti-biotic needed was almost worst than the infection.  I have had to cancel various ministry trips since this all started which is humanly disappointing.

Despite all this, the last year and a half have been some of the most effective ministry times I have ever spent.  I have had wonderful witnessing opportunities to medical staff and neighbors as well as others across the country.  I have been involved in counseling (several very challenging situations) through ZOOM and phone calls.  It has been amazing to tag along as God does what He does in the lives of others.  I can't even claim credit for what is happening!  I have been way to sick to make any of this happen.  God's strength has been made perfect in my weakness.  It doesn't get any better than that!

One of the ways God is working is in the "Relationship" messages on the BEM website.  Recordings of the Relationship Conference sessions that I have done in many churches are available by clicking on the links of the home page.  I have received some really positive comments personally how these have been helpful.   

Another wonderful way that God is working is in the upcoming BEM Small Church Conference on November 2nd of this year at Grace Baptist Church in Kokomo, IN.  Excitement is growing, and I personally believe this conference on "Worship" may well be one of the best conferences that God has chosen to do through us!  As always, there is no charge, and the conference is for the whole family to enjoy.  If you have questions, please call (765) 667-2532.  Register HERE
I want to share one more way that God has been working during this challenging time I have had the privilege of living in.  I have always loved the study of Bible prophecy and enjoy teaching about it.  In recent years I have been doing Bible conferences about the subject.  I also have been working on a novel about Christ's return off and on for many years.  (My first version was when I was about 10 years old!)  Last year when I started having to cancel some ministry trips because of health reasons, I started working on this novel again.  It is now at the publishers and hopefully will be available in the next few months.  I ask you to pray that all goes well in these final stages and that God will use the book to bring honor to Himself as well as help many understand biblical truth.  I will let you know when it is available!

Finally, continue to pray for Beabea, my gorgeous and wonderful wife, as she takes care of me, drives grandchildren to their many activities, and ministers to others!

Serving our amazing God!

John (and Beabea) Rogers

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