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Philip & Katie Hewitt Update 9/20/2024
September 26, 2024


Hello from the Hewitts!

Wow! The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity. Both with family activities and ministry.

At the beginning of June Katie and I directed a 5-part drama for our church’s VBS. I also operated lighting and sound. We had a great time working with the youth that made up the cast. Two of our own children, Landon and Mckenzy, were part of the cast. This year’s VBS was entitled “The Great Jungle Journey”. It explored the 7 C’s of history: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Though the attendance numbers were a bit low it was still a great time where students were able to learn about our creator and their need for a savior. Landon and Mckenzy were also able to help in other areas outside the drama. Landon helped with games and Mckenzy helped with crafts. Aiden and Lana were in attendance as students.

Near the end of June, we were blessed to be able to take a family vacation to Mississippi. It was a great time to relax with our family and enjoy God’s creation. The coast of Mississippi is rich with Chesapeake Blue Crabs, Hermit Crabs, and dolphins. The highlight of the vacation was the ferry we took to a barrier island called Ship Island for the day. This provided amazing views of the Gulf, clean beaches, and a plethora of seashells waiting to be collected. We were truly thankful for the time of rest and bonding we were able to have during that week.

Aiden, Lana, and I left for our church’s summer bible camp the last week of July. The camp if called “Checkpoint Bible Camp”. Its purpose is to provide a week where students can slow down and survey their walk with Christ. While Aiden and Lana were campers in the middle school camp, I was a middle school boy’s counselor. We all experienced a true miracle when it came to the weather. The forecast for the week was rain and storms. Each day we would pray as a group that the weather would turn around and God would hold off the rain. Without fail until the very last night of the week God did just that.The storms would either part around the area or fizzle out altogether. While a week at camp can be exhausting it truly was a great time to pour into the kids’ lives and hopefully help them come closer to Christ.

Over the last couple months, I’ve been in contact with two individuals serving in Utah regarding their technical needs. I look forward to working with them more and assisting them in whatever ways I can.

November 2nd we will have our bi-annual BEM small church conference in Kokomo Indiana. We look forward to meeting pastors and lay leaders from the region to discuss how we can be of encouragement and help to them in their ministries.

We have been blessed by the addition of more supporters to our team. Thank you to all who support our ministry. If you would like to join our ministry team by giving financially, please send donations to the address below.


  • Please pray for us as we continue to build our ministry team and learn to balance new responsibilities.
  • Pray for us as we start a new school year with the kids.
  • Pray that we continue to trust in God’s provision and His perfect will.

Again, thank you all for your support and prayers.

Please feel free to contact us if there is any way we can assist you:

Cell: 574-304-4251


For Him,


Philip, Katie and family


You may send Donations to:

Philip Hewitt Account
P.O. Box 4
Goshen, IN   46527

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