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Rogers Update 9/24/2022
September 24, 2022
Dear Friends, All of us at one time or another have become excited about some future event in our lives. I remember as a kid looking forward to birthday parties, and of course, Christmas. Well, that’s me as I write this! (Not about Christmas yet, and I’ve tried to ignore birthdays the last few years!) What I am really looking forward to right now is November 11th & 12th of this fall. Beabea and I will once more be involved in BEM’s Small Church Enrichment Conference held at Grace Baptist Church in Kokomo, Indiana. This has been a wonderful location with plenty of room for all the activities that take place. The reason for my anticipation is I truly believe this will be one of our best conferences ever. We are going to be dealing with the nature of ministry that comes from understanding God’s heart for us. All of the sessions will involve what ministry is and how God views it. Every session will be relevant to human need in our culture including the culture that exists within our churches. I truly believe you will find this time well spent as each session will be encouraging and practical. I know all of the conferences have been very helpful, but don’t miss this one! The title for the conference is “The Lord of the Ministry,” and I will be presenting the final session in the afternoon on Saturday. I have known all the conference speakers and teachers for many years, and they are godly servants who care about their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I believe the truths shared in this conference are at the center of the struggle many churches deal with in today’s culture. God really cares about what we face in ministry, and we are not wrong to seek Him in the anticipation of what He plans for our church and the dear people we work alongside in serving Him! As before, the conference will start on Friday evening with a time of fellowship and adventure for the family. Please plan to attend. These times of casual interaction have been enjoyed at previous conferences, and I truly believe you will not be disappointed! During the Saturday schedule we will be having breakout sessions for the men and women. These have always been very popular with those who come to the conference! BEM has always had a heart for small churches and the special pastors God has called to serve in their congregations. We care very much for the pastor’s family. We also recognize the need to be an encouragement to the people God has brought to these small churches. They are on the front lines as well. We want to encourage you to come and experience this great time of fellowship together. Bring the family! There will be activities and fun learning sessions for all ages! We again plan to have a gift bag with books for each family unit. Needless to say, I am really looking forward to our time together. As always, there is no charge for this conference. BEM recognizes the financial challenges small churches face in ministry. It has been amazing to watch how God provides for each conference, and once again, we are willing to trust God to meet the financial need. As we have done in the past, we will be taking an offering on Saturday allowing God’s people to give as the Lord has burdened them – but we want you to come whether you have finances to give or not. The Saturday conference will be a time of teaching, sharing, and spiritual renewal. You may go the following link and register online: BEM Small Church Enrichment Conference Registration Form Register as soon as possible. That will help us in planning. If you have questions about the conference, please feel free to call me at (765) 753-0056 or Tim Hewitt (BEM Director) at (765) 667-2532. Looking forward to seeing you at the conference! Wait a minute, I just said that earlier – Well, I really am looking forward to seeing you there!
John Rogers BEM Field Director jtrbem@gmail.com
