Rogers Update 8/11/2022
August 17, 2022
Dear Friends,
Besides knowing the Lord God, Creator of the Universe, who personally rescued me from Hell to live with Him till the end of time and beyond – I think the best part of being a Christian is getting to spend time with my brothers and sisters in Christ! The desire of our Lord is for us to love each other as God, the Father, and Jesus Christ love each other! Amazingly, Christ prayed for the disciples and the others that would believe in Him through the centuries that “…they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” (John 17:21).
In BEM ministry I find myself dealing with all kind of conflict situations. Through the years, I have watched Christians who truly love the Lord fight over earthly issues as if eternity hung in the balance. Many times, I have reminded these dear brothers and sisters in Christ that in the future eternal ages they will be living beside each other in heaven and lovin’ it! However, I remember one old guy (who was a deacon) informing me that the New Jerusalem was 1500 miles wide, and he wanted to be at the opposite end of the one who hurt him! God help us!
So back to my original comment – I love being with my brothers and sisters in Christ wherever they are at! I have to say that this has been an incredible year of travel! Beabea and I have spent time with fellow believers in churches and ministry visits in Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Kansas, Utah, Arizona, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and of course Tennessee! What a privilege to spend so much time with so many of God’s people! The year is not over yet. In the remaining months I will be Wisconsin as well as Indiana again. Next year I am already booked in Alaska and Utah with possibilities in California, Nevada, and New York. These travels have been filled with many opportunities to speak to congregations, plus sharing with people (outside of the church building) the hope of eternal life. Finally, we have loved the privilege of being involved in the lives of so many fellow believers!
One of the highlights of this year’s travel is BEM held our Small Church Conference in Utah for the first time! We had almost 100 people present for our time together. It was great, and we all enjoyed the three famous Baptist distinctives of food, fun, and fellowship! I encourage you read the report on the conference on our website home page.
Some more exciting, good news! This fall on November 11th & 12th we will be holding our Indiana Small Church Conference once again. The theme this year is “The Lord of the Ministry”. It will have all of the usual “food, fun, and fellowship,” but the most exciting part of the conference will be our interaction as we consider what it means to follow Christ and minister to others! Mark the date on your wall calendar, wait a minute, what is a wall calendar? Punch the date into your phone and plan to come with the whole family. We always have activities for everyone!
Well, that’s it for now. I’ve got to load my Jeep and head down the road to another adventure of serving Lord Jesus!
Saved, Sealed, and Delivered! Saved from sin / Sealed to God / Delivered from death! Praise Jesus!