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Rogers Update 3/23/2022
March 23, 2022
March 23, 2022
Dear Friends,
In our December Newsletter I talked about our move from Indiana to Tennessee and shared some thoughts about our future move as believers from earth to heaven someday. Since then, a very close friend of mine made that journey to heaven. Dan Snyder attended our church plant in Spanish Fork, Utah many years ago. It was there where he grew as a newly saved believer into a genuine servant of Christ. Eventually, Dan would go on to pastor a church in Topeka, Kansas where he and his wife, Brenda, truly enjoyed serving the Lord. Dan’s taxi to heaven was pneumonia with COVID mixed in. He began his journey in El Paso, Texas, and entered his God prepared home in Heaven with a travel time of less than one second. What a way to travel! No waiting in line or trying to make a flight connection! We all are a just a few breaths away from eternity. People die for so many different reasons from sickness to natural disasters. Right now, people are entering the eternal realm as war rages in the Ukraine. (I think of the friendships that formed when I once traveled to Ukraine to teach in a Bible institute. I wonder what is happening each day in those precious lives, and I pray for them.) I also know of people who have traveled through the door of death due to car wrecks, and others who have died because of bad decisions. If those passing into eternity have trusted Christ to take them to God in Heaven, our resurrected Savior greets them with open arms. No sin is too great - these dear ones are forgiven! When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the cost of their sin. Many years ago, my friend, Dan, asked me to tell the people at his memorial service that they didn’t have to be afraid of life, death, or God. He asked me to share I John 5:13 and tell those who came that they could truly know God. It was my privilege to do exactly that on behalf of Dan. One day I will enjoy fellowship with Dan again and many others including my parents. Have you paused today and wondered at the miracle of sinners changed to saints through Jesus Christ? One day we will celebrate our Savior together around the His heavenly throne! Meanwhile back on planet Earth, it is a privilege to share Christ with those who do not know Him and fellowship with those who do! The Lord has given us a very active schedule this year. We will be in Indiana, Kansas, Utah, Arizona, New York, and Wisconsin! The Covid isolation is starting to disappear, and God has thrown the door wide open to us in the months ahead. So, pray for safety in travel, physical health, and financial provision. Most of all, pray that Beabea and I will stay close to Jesus, enjoy Him, and honor Him in all we do! Of course, the number one big item this spring is the BEM Utah Small Church Conference we are a part of on April 29th and 30th in Nephi, Utah. If you live out west, I hope you can be there. BEM does not charge for this conference! (An offering is taken to give those who are able an opportunity to help if God has burden them to do so.) The conference will be a great time of fellowship as we worship God and discuss ministry in small churches including the challenges that are faced by missionaries, pastors, their family, and small congregations. If you are planning on coming and haven’t registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. It will help us if we have a fairly accurate count of those who will be there. (We will be giving away books and providing food along with great fellowship!) After the conference concludes on Saturday, we look forward to special piano music and testimony by Matt Wilder of Adam's Road Piano. This will follow for those who stay. Please register for the conference if you have not done so: Register for the BEM Utah Small Church Conference Beabea and I hope to see you there! Saved, Sealed, and Delivered! Saved from sin / Sealed to God / Delivered from death! Praise Jesus! John (and Beabea) Rogers jtrbem@gmail.com 2022 BEM Utah Small Church Conference Brochure - Cover 2022 BEM Utah Small Church Conference Brochure - Inside
