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Rogers Update 10/6/2020
October 6, 2020
BEM Small Church Conference 2020
Rogers Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Although a majority of the people around us (and maybe us at times) seems to be focused on the Coronavirus, elections, and the end of “American Life” as we know it, I want to encourage those of us who know Christ to consider our sovereign God and the joy of precious Christian fellowship. I know I need it! Because of modern technology, believers (despite all the radical changes that have happened) have continued with a form of “church” service via the internet. This has allowed the teaching of God’s word to most of the congregations across the nation. That part certainly has been amazing! Despite the wonder of Zoom, Facebook, and other high-tech communication methods, there clearly has been a crucial piece missing. I am sure that I don’t even have to tell you what that is. Humanity was built for fellowship, first with God, and then with each other. We were designed that way! All the great teaching of the wonderous truth of God does not replace the deep need for personal interaction and communion of God’s people with Him and with each other. The more we truly understand God’s word, the more we are driven to fellowship! When BEM held our first Small Church Conference two years ago, there was the central goal of presenting to church leaders good information regarding areas that small churches face in ministry (and often larger churches don’t deal with). We tried to select topics for teaching and discussion that would be of practical help. There was another goal equally important, and that was to bring together leaders and people from small churches to share their experiences with each other. In doing so, we could encourage each other that we were not alone in our small church challenges. Perhaps we might even discover ways God has solved those challenges in the lives of others. On November 13th & 14th of this year we will be holding another exciting Small Church Conference. We look forward to you coming and being a part of a group of godly people who love and care about each other. Of course, we will be following appropriate group guidelines to ensure that we can enjoy interacting safely together! I think all of us are looking forward in anticipation to great fellowship. I know I am! Last time we had the conference exceeded all our expectations. Not only will the fellowship be great, but we have some very relevant topics that we will be dealing with in this conference. Click on the link below to download a conference brochure with schedule, location, and registration information. BEM_Conference_Brochure_2020.pdf If you have not registered already, it is very important that you do so right away. Of course, we will accept your registration right up to the start of the conference, but it would be very helpful to have it by the middle of October. This would allow us to better plan so we can meet the needs of those coming – especially in the areas of materials given, food and snacks provided, and the setting up of appropriate seating. Go to the top of this sites home page to register.
Just as we did last time, there is no charge for the conference even though there is a cost to put it on. We at BEM are willing to trust our Lord that He will provide! We simply want everyone to be able to come no matter their financial situation. We will be taking an offering during the conference. We ask that each one prayerfully seek what God would have them give if they are able to do so. I am looking forward to fellowshipping with you, discussing some very important topics, and having fun together as we worship our Lord! See you there! John (and Beabea) Rogers jtrbem@gmail.com
