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Rogers Update 10/26/2019
October 26, 2019
Dear Friends,
One of the most precious aspects of knowing Christ is the relationships we have in the family of God.  Beabea and I literally have people who care about us and pray for us all over the world.  We know this through the emails, notes, and letters that are sent our way.  Another way this truth is taught to us by God is through answered prayer.  We share requests and then we watch God work.  I know He is not limited to our prayers, be the Lord does choose to honor them in so many ways.  Example, I am starting to see improvement in my back and leg problem that kept me from going to Utah this summer.  I am actually thinking that I may not need surgery, so keep praying, and I will keep trusting the Lord.
God is so wise.  All of my scheduled ministry appointments this fall have been in Indiana, so I didn’t have to travel far.  Therefore, I did not have to cancel any of them.  If my healing continues as it now seems to be, I should be ready to travel again early in 2020.  I am scheduled to be in Alaska again in March.  I am really looking forward to going there again, and I hope to be in several churches while there.  I also am in the early stages of scheduling through the rest of next year.  I plan to finish up reporting back to churches in 2020, so continue to pray that all the details will come together.  (I know God is smarter than me, so all my plans are subject to Him!)
I want to share some additional exciting news that has developed over the last few months.  In the early part of the 1990’s I wrote a novel on the abortion issue that was published.  It was used for about ten years by pro-life organizations across the nation before it finally went out of print.  Used copies have been selling on Amazon since then, and I had several boxes of the book left over that have been used on my display table when traveling.  Through the years I have received letters telling me how this book has changed minds concerning abortion.  Overall, God has used the novel, Terminal Option, in a very positive way.
In late Spring this year, the publishers contacted me again with a desire to bring the novel back into print.  After a very positive discussion, I agreed to the new contract, and on October 1st, Terminal Option was republished with a new cover and new promotion.  The publishers wanted to bring the book out again because of what is happening in the abortion industry as well as the terrifying cultural and political issues that are in the news.  Ethics continue to change in the wrong direction in our country and around the world.  Terminal Option predicted in story form about 20 years ago much of what is now taking place.  One didn’t have to be a prophet to have done this.  Simple logic leads to frightening conclusions once a nation arbitrarily decides who has the right to live and die.
New cover for Terminal Option:

If you are interested in purchasing a copy, it is available on Amazon both in the printed and kindle versions.  That is a first for me.  I have never had any book I’ve written put in the electronic kindle format before.  I discovered that Alexa (on my fire tablet) reads kindle books.  (I know that statement is quite humorous to those of you who are technological advanced.)  Anyway, it was quite interesting listening to Alexa read my book while I was working on other projects.  Here is the link to the Amazon site where Terminal Option is sold:
There were some customer reviews on Amazon for the original edition, but when the new edition Amazon page came up, it showed no reviews.  It always helps a book to have good reviews, so if you think there is merit, please feel free to write a review.  Most important, pray that God will use this book again to save the lives of children and adults who are caught in the web of the abortion lie.
Finally, be in prayer for me as I continue to do counseling locally and in other states as well (via phone and Skype).  I have several very serious situations I am involved with.  Some of these seem to be moving the right direction (from a human perspective!)  As I wrote at the start of this update, Christians praying together as a team is powerful.
I look forward to experiencing what God has perfectly planned,
John (and Beabea) Rogers
7265 West 320 South
Russiaville, IN 46979
Home: (765) 889-3264
Cell:    (765) 753-0056
Commissioning Church: Shepherd Road Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1054, Mulberry, FL  33860
Barnabas Enrichment Ministries
P.O. Box 229
Elkhart, IN 46515-0229
(765) 667-2532
Please send all financial gifts to Barnabas Enrichment Ministries with a note designating the gift for the ministry of John & Beabea Rogers.

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