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Hewitt Update 03/24/2019
March 24, 2019

Dear Prayer Partners, 

After a long pause in our communication, we would like to take this opportunity to bring you up to speed on what has been happening in our lives with regard to Barnabas Enrichment Ministries (BEM).  Thankfully, God has blessed us with a wonderful Board of Directors.  Our Annual Meeting on January 7th was an evening of rehashing last year’s activities, sharing new ideas for ministry in 2019 and thanking our Heavenly Father for how he has allowed this small organization to reach out and encourage a significant number of small church pastors during 2018.  There are presently three couples serving under BEM.

Retiring from full-time church ministry in the fall of 2017, it has been our desire to serve 3-4 months out of the year through BEM.   Having spent the first half of 2018 planning and preparing for our July “retirement move” to Michigan, we really weren’t available for long assignments during those 6-8 months.  However, day long or week-long opportunities have presented themselves for us in various ways through preaching at a number of churches, speaking at a men’s and ladies retreat, teaching children as well participation in a Missions Trip to Texas last June, helping with Hurricane Relief.  The pastor of our new church in Michigan has been very welcoming and Tim was able to preach on a Sunday for him while he was recovering from surgery.

The ministry highlight of the year for both of us was the Small Church Conference sponsored by our BEM Board and held in November.  As one of the speakers, Tim found it invigorating to share his personal experiences as a small church pastor.  The whole conference process was a blessing for us, from the hours of preparation, meetings and brainstorming with individuals that are way bigger thinkers than we are, to our experience of watching so many people, from several different churches in the area serve tirelessly and cheerfully, to watching the 100+ attenders, including pastors, their wives and children, interact with one another, build bonds and encourage one another.  It was an experience we will long remember and treasure. 

In October, our former church, New Hope Baptist Church in Gas City, Indiana, honored us by having a special commissioning service for us.  They are now officially our sending church!  Having moved to Michigan three months prior, it was very special to return to the church that we served for 7 years for this special honor.

We are presently in Santaquin, Utah assisting a pastor.  We will be here a total of 19 days while they are taking some time off to travel back east.  Tim is preaching/teaching Sunday mornings and Wed. evenings.  Sandy is teaching the children’s lesson during Tuesday evenings’ kids programs.  She also had the honor of speaking at their ladies’ retreat the first weekend here.  We’re trying to keep our weekdays productive and have had a number of opportunities to visit with local pastors, share meals and hopefully encourage them in their ministries.  We’ve also been able to renew friendships with folks from past ministry opportunities in Utah.

We end by thanking each of you for your prayer support, words of encouragement, cards etc. during this past year.  We heard from so many of you at the time of Tim’s mom’s passing in December.  It was a great reminder of how many wonderful people God has put in our path throughout the years and how thankful we are for each of you!  Please continue to lift us up regularly to our Heavenly Father.

With Thankful Hearts,

Tim & Sandy

Contact Information:


Tim & Sandy Hewitt
7382 Hogan Dr.
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Phone:  Tim     (765) 667-2532
             Sandy (765) 667-2616


Barnabas Enrichment Ministries
P.O. Box 229
Elkhart, IN 46515-0229

Commissioning Church: New Hope Baptist Church, PO Box 125 Gas City, IN 46933

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