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Rogers Update 12/20/2018
December 24, 2018
Dear Friends,
I remember a phrase that was popular at one point in our culture, “I love it when a plan comes together!”  It was from an action TV show that was a big hit for a while.  That is how I feel about the Small Church Conference that we were a part of in November.  One of the aspects of the conference is how God brought the program together (some details at the last minute!)  He had solutions for issues that we didn’t even know existed before hand!  In other words, God really knew how to make us look good!
It was a great conference!  We have had so many positive comments!  I remember overhearing some say, “This is really going to grow big!  You just don’t see anything like this quality for free anymore!”  Only God could do that!  God uses people – and so many people gave money and time to make this conference happen.  Most of those involved were from small churches which shows what God can do with small churches when they work together for Him!  We will be finalizing plans for the next conference at our board meeting the first of January.  The conference is set for early November of 2020.  I will certainly let you know details as we move in that direction.  For now, I want to encourage you to look at our website.  A six minute video recaps high points of the conference.  It will be fun to watch by those who were there as well as by those of you who were unable to attend.  Just click on the video and hit download.  It will play automatically for you.  Here is our website address:
One of the free gifts that was given at the Small Church Conference was the CD from Harvest Productions where I teach on Relationships.  (Taught at a different conference…)  Harvest Production website had some difficulties, but is working well now.  You may order extra copies by going to the website and clicking on the video.  Here is their website:
It has been great to be home for the Christmas season!  I always enjoy traveling and being with the many friends I know in so many places.  It is also nice to spend time with Beabea.  For the last three months my ministry responsibilities have been in Indiana so I have been able to sleep in my own bed!  That doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy.  I have been dealing with some tough counseling situations locally, and of course right in the middle of my time here, BEM presented the Small Church Conference.  (No complaints!)  I also have had the privilege of teaching Sunday School at First Baptist in Russiaville while I have been home.
January 7th is our annual BEM board meeting.  Please be in prayer for the board as they make important decisions that affect all of the BEM missionaries.  I am so thankful for godly men and women who care about us.  It is a privilege to have each and everyone of them on the board.  (I am not just saying that because I know they’ll read this!) 😊
I fly to California early in January to step in while a pastor takes some much needed rest.  I will be gone for four Sundays.  In March I am off to Alaska for about six weeks, again stepping in while the pastor is away.  The rest of the year is beginning to fill up as well.  Pray the Lord will put me in the places He wants at the times He wants.  Of course He will – He is God, but He still delights in our prayers!  (Also, I would rather be where God wants, surrendered to Him, instead of arriving kicking and screaming!)
Have a great day celebrating the birth of Christ!
Thanks for caring!
John (and Beabea) Rogers
7265 West 320 South
Russiaville, IN 46979
Home: (765) 889-3264
Cell:     (765) 753-0056
Commissioning Church: Shepherd Road Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1054, Mulberry, FL  33860
Barnabas Enrichment Ministries
P.O. Box 229
Elkhart, IN 46515-0229
(765) 667-2532
Please send all financial gifts to Barnabas Enrichment Ministries with a note designating the gift for the ministry of John & Beabea Rogers.

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