John Rogers has done it again! A new and exciting novel.

By John Thomas Rogers

From the Author that brought you The Terminal Option Comes a
New Novel of the Future!
David Eleazar, an Israeli Mossad agent, was deeply involved in counter espionage, and he was good at it. He lived a life of excitement filled with danger and had what he believed every man wanted... adventure, women, and recognition by the insiders of political power. Then all he understood about life was shattered when millions of people disappeared from the planet. He didn't know it, but he was about to experience hatred, love, betrayal, and forgiveness on a scale he never thought possible. An evil conspiracy, planned and developed across the centuries, prepared to unleash its destruction upon an unsuspecting world. David found himself in the middle of powerful forces as humanity headed toward Armageddon and what looked like the end of mankind. He was no longer certain what was evil and what was good.

Purchase the book 
BEM Pastor Network Initiative
Barnabas Enrichment Ministries is excited to announce the
BEM Pastor Network Initiative

The Pastor Network Initiative is a program whereby BEM is seeking to meet the increasing needs of struggling churches.  With BEM’s limited staff and the increasing needs that we see, we are seeking to build a network of pastors to help.

BEM’s goal for this ministry is to serve as a kind of clearinghouse where we will refer pastors in this network to churches in need.  We are building a network of retired or current pastors, who are willing to give time to struggling churches.  These pastors will be of like faith and have gone through an application process before serving under the BEM umbrella. 

BEM Ministry Schedule
Milan Baptist Church, Milan MI (Hewitt)
January 1 - December 31
View Details 270246
Milan Baptist Church, Milan MI (Hewitt)
March 16
View Details 270250
Milan Baptist Church, Milan MI (Hewitt)
April 6
View Details 270251
Milan Baptist Church, Milan MI (Hewitt)
May 11
View Details
Barnabas Enrichment Ministries
P.O. Box 4
Goshen, IN 46527-004

Phone: 765-667-2532

Contact Form
Check this LINK to make a Credit Card Donation to the Missionary or BEM Ministry of your choice.
Our Faith

We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God; that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility become sinners in thought, word and deed.

Read More
» Tim and Sandy Hewitt

» John and Beabea Rogers
Field Director & Missionaries

» Jim and Jeanne Keller

» Chris & Rachel DeMorell
Western Field Director

» Philip and Katie Hewitt
Technical Advisor

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